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canton 10造句

"canton 10"是什么意思  
  • It is administratively part of Canton 10 of the Federation.
  • It is part of Canton 10 of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Administratively it is part of Canton 10 of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • The most populous canton is Tuzla Canton while Canton 10 is the largest by size.
  • Canton 10 had the largest share of ethnic Serbs in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • The symbols in Canton 10 and West Herzegovina Canton were deemed unconstitutional as they only represented one group.
  • After the signing of the Dayton Agreement, Glamo  became municipality of Canton 10, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • "' Fra Mihovil Su i Hospital "'( ) is the largest and central hospital of Canton 10 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • In 1997, that name was declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and officially renamed " Canton 10 ".
  • "' Glamo  "'is a town and municipality in southwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Canton 10 of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • It's difficult to see canton 10 in a sentence. 用canton 10造句挺难的
  • Defying the court's ruling, and contrary to Canton 10, the West Herzegovina canton continues using these symbols, and the coat of arms is used at official institutions.
  • The band played in Livno on 27 July to end Canton 10's international " Tera " conference in front of a crowd of 15 20, 000 people.
  • I just wanted to mention that issue with these articles is that users PRODUCER keep removing the flag and alternative name for Canton 10 (  herceg-bosanska ~ upanija ).
  • Posavina Canton changed its flag in 2000, while it is still used as an official flag of West Herzegovina and " Herzeg-Bosnia Canton " ( Livno Canton, Canton 10 ).
  • One of the cantons of the Federation used the name " Herzeg-Bosnian Canton ", but this name was deemed unconstitutional by the Federation Constitutional Court, and it is officially referred as Canton 10.
  • Situated on the river Bistrica in the southeastern edge of the Livno Field at the foot of Krug mountain and rocky hill Crvenice, it is the centre of the Canton 10 which mainly covers an area of the historical and geographical region of Tropolje.
  • Five of the cantons ( Una-Sana, Tuzla, Zenica-Doboj, Bosnian Podrinje and Sarajevo ) are Bosniak majority cantons, three ( Posavina, West Herzegovina and Canton 10 ) are Croat majority cantons, and two ( Central Bosnia and Herzegovina-Neretva ) are'ethnically mixed', meaning there are special legislative procedures for protection of the constituent ethnic groups.
  • Five of the cantons ( Una-Sana, Tuzla, Zenica-Doboj, Bosnian Podrinje, and Sarajevo ) have a Bosniak majority, three ( Posavina, West Herzegovina and Canton 10 ) have Bosnian Croat majority, while two of them ( Central Bosnia and Herzegovina-Neretva ) are'ethnically mixed', meaning there are special legislative procedures for the protection of the political interests of the constituent ethnic groups.
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